A Wise Mind

A wise mind is one of the many concepts from mindfulness therapy that helps to develop a grounded approach to any situation. This is created by engaging the logical side of our brain, to counteract with the emotional side and work through a problem taking into consideration all dimensions and possibilities. It is easy to react to issues, instead of taking a breath and thinking about how we can improve the situation. Having a wise mind at these times helps to bring awareness, calmness, and confidence. 

Sometimes we feel consumed by our emotions and find it hard to shift focus. At these times it's good to recognise our emotions aren’t us, we have anger, worry, sadness etc. but we haven’t, for example, become angry. We have an emotion and can choose not to have this emotion. Our emotions aren’t us.  

Mindfulness therapy offers many concepts and principles to achieve a joyful life. By finding what feels right for you, increasing awareness and striving to live in a mindful way. 

This is a quote by the spiritual influencer Eckhart Tolle, that I feel is an important part of what Mindfulness is striving towards.  “You find peace not by rearranging the circumstance of your life, but by realising who you are at the deepest level.”

On occasion mental stress may hold us back in life, in these times it can be good to talk over and seek support. Other times we just need stillness to reach a deep state of relaxation to let go and reset. Both healing and mindfulness therapies encourage positive transformations working separately or combined. 

If you would like to learn more about how mindfulness can change your life, it would be so wonderful to explore anything that you would like to work through or understand. Mindfulness is a gentle active practice to help you adjust, not only to feel better but to be continually better as well. I will provide you with inspiration, encouragement, mindfulness knowledge, and customised tools to increase your confidence for self-growth. If you like more information about Mindfulness therapy please see my website.

Jane Woodcock