Feeling grounded
What does it mean to feel grounded? When we are grounded we will demonstrate self mastery, feel energised, contented and healthy. To achieve a balanced state, we must recognise that we have the power to provide everything we need, either single handily or by asking others. By reframing our experiences into opportunities for self sufficiency, strength and emotional wholeness, we feel able to overcome any of life obstacles.
When we become ungrounded, we might find it difficult to achieve goals, struggle to keep focused and be incapable of stillness. Others signs are being overly materialistic, self-centred, engage in physical fool hardiness and have tendency to bullying. We might be fearful, or have self destructive behaviour. Have low self esteem and become emotionally needy. When we play the part of being the victim, we let ourselves become vulnerable and lack awareness. Often regarding every disappointment, separation, or loss as something we were powerless to control or change.
Helpful ways to keep us grounded, are to practically attend to our inner child’s needs. What does our heart desire? Attending to our home environment, keeping it safe and comfortable helps us to feel rooted and secure. Having a strong sense of awareness and acceptance is important to keeping us feeling grounded.
The sole life lesson for a balanced rooting, is to stand up for oneself and to be grounded in the here and now.
A wonderful grounding affirmation (taken from "The Book of Chakra Healing" by Liz Simpson)
My body is becoming more important to me. I nurture it constantly.
I am taking responsibility for my life. I can cope with any situation.
I recognise the abundance of love, trust and care surrounding me.
My internal mother is always here for me, protecting, nourishing, and soothing me.
I deserve the best that life has to offer. My needs are always met.
I am connected to Mother Earth and know the security of being grounded in reality, in the moment.
Holistic treatments are a great way to rebalance you. Giving you energy by uplifting your spirits, and helping you find solutions to problems, or just acknowledging and accepting that all is well, that life is a movie.
A great yoga pose to stimulate the energy in the root chakra and help us become more grounded is called setu bandhasara, known as the bridge pose.
Here is is a link to guide you through the pose.